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Monday, January 24, 2011

Weight Loss without Pain

In order to make the necessary changes in your diet, you have to be practical and first change the way you shop. After all, with the best intentions in the world, you can only cook and eat what you have in your cupboards at the time. One factor that puts a lot of people off dieting, is the thought of buying and preparing special foods and recipes, often eating different meals to the rest of the family. With this plan however, you can cook the same or similar meals to those you already eat, you simply change the quantities of each ingredients and the way you prepare and cook your meals.
Don’t expect to get everything exactly right overnight, if you have to retrain your shopping techniques and your palate, you need to give yourself time to adapt and experiment, after all, if you don’t enjoy it, you won’t stick to it! Remember – this is NOT a diet that you go on then come off; this is about learning to make lifestyle changes that will improve not just your figure, but the quality of your life. Food is after all one of the great pleasures of life, and one persons pleasure is another person’s poison, so if you don’t see recipes or menus in this programme that you like, simply use the principles and techniques you learn and adapt your own recipes. Anyone can do it. You can put all your family on a highly nutritious balanced diet and they won’t even notice the difference.

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