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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Acupuncture and Weight Loss

Acupuncture and Weight Loss

When you are trying to lose weight, acupuncture is probably not the first thing that springs to mind. Acupuncture has however, a very long history and although it is traditionally used to control pain and relieve all sorts of conditions, there is evidence that it can also help with weight loss. It has been used to restore and maintain good health by very many people over thousands of years.
How does acupuncture for weight loss woork
Acupuncture for weight loss is a Western modification of the original principles and has been shown to be effective, particularly when combined with traditional methods for weight loss such as dieting and exercise.
The explanation of how acupuncture works has to do with influencing the body and getting it into a state of quiet calm which improves energy flow through the body. Acupuncture may help by stimulating the body to release endorphins, the body’s own natural “feel-good” chemicals, and these may help to control appetite. Certain needle placements are even thought to lower insulin levels or lipid levels in the blood
Acupuncture fits nicely with modern medicine’s understanding of how mental, emotional, and physical well-being, are all inter-related. For too long perhaps, Western medicine has concentrated on signs and symptoms, and the physical body, whilst ignoring the mind completely.
The acupuncturist will focus on the person, tailoring treatment to an individual’s specific needs, seeking to establish equilibrium and to enhance the body’s natural powers and energy.
There have not apparently been a lot of studies carried out on the efficacy of acupuncture for weight loss, but what results there are seem to be encouraging, suggesting that, when acupuncture is added in, subjects lose more weight than those sticking with traditional diets alone. It is difficult perhaps to quantify exactly the benefit of acupuncture for weight loss, as results can be subjective, and acupuncture is rarely employed on its own to lose weight. It is usually an adjunct to other methods.
A considerable advantage of acupuncture as an aid to weight loss is that there are no side effects, as there might be with some drug treatments. Acupuncture is simply a way of enhancing the body’s own resources, although to be really effective, treatments may need to be repeated regularly over a period of time. There is little doubt that acupuncture can be a useful aid to weight loss, especially for those who are reluctant to take pills or medications of any kind.

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